
Reload FPM and/or reset opcache:

# sudo resetopcache

+++ opcache reset for php72 succeeded! +++
+++ opcache reset for php73 succeeded! +++

Or use:
# sudo /usr/sbin/service php*-fpm reload

Reload webserver config

You can modify the templates under ~/nginx and then:

# sudo reloadnginx
+++ nginx reload succeeded! +++

You can modify the templates under ~/apache2 and then:

# sudo reloadapache2
+++ apache2 reload succeeded! +++


Reset all varnish cache (Purges Varnish completely):

# sudo clearvarnish
+++ clear all varnish cache succeeded! +++

Reload varnish vcl (after modifying /etc/varnish/default.vcl)

# sudo reloadvarnish
+++ varnish vcl reload succeeded! +++


BETA: TurboStack Command Line Interface


All features below are experimental and not officially released. They shouldn't break anything, but might fail to execute correctly. If you encounter an issue, please contact us so we can figure out why it went wrong.

These features are only deployed in beta on select servers. If you would like this on your server please contact us through our support channels.


TSCLI Commands:

The cli is split up in service levels based on the command line arguments. Example command:

tscli nginx reload

It always starts with tscli followed by the service you’re managing and the command you wish to pass to it, listed below:



  • reload

  • restart


  • reload

  • enable

  • disable


  • check

  • block

  • unblock


  • clear


  • clear

  • reload

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